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Construction Law Authority / Public Construction (Page 2)

Bidding: What Does Responsive and Responsible Mean?

We have all heard the phrase "lowest responsive and responsible bid", but what does it mean? In the context of a public agency's award of a contract pursuant to an Invitation for Bids ("IFB"), the award will generally be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Pursuant to Florida Statutes, a “responsible vendor” means a vendor who has the capability in all respects to fully perform the contract requirements and the integrity and reliability that will assure good faith performance. Additionally, a “responsive bid” means a bid, or proposal, or reply submitted by a responsive and responsible vendor that conforms in all material respects to the solicitation. Accordingly, being the "lowest" bidder is not the end of the analysis. The low bidder must also demonstrate that it is qualified to do the work (i.e. responsible), and it must submit all required information and documents that are required...

New State Law Requires Public Bid Openings

During the several years, there has been some controversy concerning whether bid openings should be open to the public and what information bidders should have access to. In 2011, the Florida Legislature expanded the exemptions to the Public Records Law enlarging the time for bids to be exempt from inspection and copying from ten days to thirty days from the opening of the bids, or until the time of a notice of intended award, whichever is earlier. Concerns were raised as to access to information, and whether bid openings should be open to the public. This year, the Florida Legislature enacted Section 255.0518, Florida Statutes which requires state and local agencies to open sealed bids for the construction or repairs on a public building or public work during an open meeting conducted in accordance with the Sunshine Law. The agency is further required to announce the name of each bidder and the price submitted in...